Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fishing Tournament Results

This past weekend I participated in a fishing tournament on Old Hickory Lake, TN. There were a total of 12 boats in the tournament. We launched at safe light and began fishing. It had rained a ton a couple of days before and the main river channel was extremely muddy and full of logs and other debris. So we decided to stay out of the channel and fish right around the corner from the launching dock. We caught several small fish but none that were keeper size (14 inches). Later in the day we decided to hit the main river channel after not catching any keeper Bass. We headed down the lake to the steam plant. My friend has caught many a good fish from this place before and knew exactly where to go. I began throwing a lure called a rattle trap into the muddy water. All of a sudden a fish slammed my lure. I reeled the fish in and got it into the boat. It was a real nice fish and we didn't have much time before we had to be back at the dock for weigh in so we headed back. We where the next to last boat to be weighted in. We only had one fish to weigh ,which was my fish, which weighed 3lbs and 12 ounces. At the awards ceremony it was announced that we had caught the biggest fish for the tournament and we won $140. However, we didn't come in first or second because we had no other fish but my friend and I were super stoked about the money we had won. Overall the fishing tournament was a great experience and we can't wait to do it again.

Later this week I am doing my weigh in again (taking pics and measurements of myself) and I will post everything here like last time. Also, tomorrow is my last final so I will be officially be out for school until later in the summer when I start my summer class, but I will be posting a new workout routine I am going to call "Boot Camp." It is basically going to be a summer boot camp to get my body in better shape and loose that stubborn fat around my stomach and gain more muscle mass. I haven't fully gotten the program together yet but I am supper excited about and I can't wait to get started. Well I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and look for my Weigh In Part II.

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